Openoffice vs libreoffice market share
Openoffice vs libreoffice market share

openoffice vs libreoffice market share

I loved to turn on Reveal Codes and look at all the codes that underlay each document I was writing in college. I learned how to use computers by playing with an 8086 which ran WordPerfect 5.1 and by fooling around with VAX terminals in college which also ran WordPerfect 5.1. Many people became fascinated by computers by playing video games or surfing the web, but for me the word processor is the program which turned me into a computer geek. It is worth taking the time to examine how well they serve our needs. Obviously, these tools should be as good as possible, since they are used in a plethora of ways. For me, these are the fundamental tools that humanity uses to create and transmit ideas, knowledge, skills, art, etc., so these tools define how we express ourselves and how we learn from others. This software is commonly referred to as an “office suite” but I dislike that terminology, because it implies that word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics editors, and databases are only used while on the job. What is surprising is the fact that that when I weigh up all the pros and cons of the different suites, I come to the same conclusion as Vaughan-Nichols that LibreOffice is the best for me, but it certainly has room for improvement.

openoffice vs libreoffice market share openoffice vs libreoffice market share

When I survey the other office suites, I find OpenOffice/LibreOffice to be better than the other office suites in many areas, but worse in others. It works, but I certainly have never considered it “the best” as Vaughan-Nichols dubs it. When Oracle bought SUN, Meeks led a community of developers to fork to form LibreOffice, I switched again because it was found in the repositories of my favorite Linux distros.Īfter 15 years of using /Go-OO/LibreOffice, I still consider it to be a rather crude office suite. I followed the debates led by Novell’s Micheal Meeks over the governance of. For years I used Go-OO which was a version of with some enhancements for better compatibility with Microsoft Office, because it was the version I found in Ubuntu and Debian. I have been using some variant of this office suite since SUN first open sourced it as in 2000, because it was the only decent office software in Linux. Steven Vaughan-Nichols at ZD Net calls LibreOffice “ the best desktop office suite,” which surprised me because I have always considered it a rather kludgy clone of MS Office.

Openoffice vs libreoffice market share